Efficient Home Cleaning: Time-Saving Tips and Cleaning Hacks for a Tidy Home


James Bond

. 4 min read

These are ten tried-and-true methods that can shorten the time it takes to clean your home. The typical individual spends about two hours each day on housework, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. With just 24 hours in a day (eight of which should be spent asleep and another eight at school or work), it may feel like we devote a disproportionate amount of effort on maintaining order at home. Thankfully, advancements in technology have made our lives easier. Utilizing video chat applications, you can now seek guidance and share cleaning tips with friends and family, making the process more efficient and enjoyable.

Ten Time Saving Methods that Really Work

As obvious as it may seem, the simplest answer is to just pay someone else to perform the work

Nonetheless, if you don't have it in you, that's cool. If you need to get a budget together quickly and easily, here are some expert recommendations to consider. One good place to begin is by clearing the clutter. Many people, you know, neglect this stage since it's quicker and easier to just toss things into a closet or a drawer without any thought. Yet that's how chaos spreads and grows into an enormous challenge.

Before you even consider about cleaning, you should take the time to clear the clutter

Step by step, each room must have all miscellaneous items tucked away. Every single item needs a place to call "home," right? So, please, put your books away. Toys, clothing, and electronics until you have a neat stack. Second, put your rubbish in a garbage bag. So, continuing on that line, a garbage bag will be your greatest buddy when it comes to cleaning up your complete house.

It's a good idea to have one on hand whenever you go on a pick-up mission

If you haven't used it in the previous year and a half, it's probably best to get rid of it or give it away. As a result, mess won't accumulate as quickly. One option is to just empty all of the smaller trash cans. The bigger bag may be used anywhere, including the restroom or the workplace. You may save the hassle of emptying individual trash can liners, replacing them, and transporting the full liners to the garbage can by doing this.

Carry along a cleaning tote

The first step in cleaning is amassing the necessary supplies. There's no need to go out and buy a tonne of chemicals or anything else just to clean. You should stock up on glass cleaner, furniture polish, cleaning claws or paper towels, a scrubbing brush, and a disinfectant for sanitary reasons, as well as bleach and a limescale cleanser for the bathroom.

Let's call it what it is and move on, a little arsenal or maybe even weapons of mass disinfection

Gather your cleaning supplies in one convenient basket and take it with you as you scrub each room. You won't have to waste time locating where you store your cleaning supplies. When you need one. The order of dusting and vacuuming is #4. As you dust and clean all the surfaces, dirt and crumbs fall on the floor, so vacuuming first is really pointless since you'll only be adding fresh filth on top of the clean floor anytime you wipe everything down.

Moving left to right through the home is the first order of business

You'll be able to give the whole home a thorough cleaning without missing a single corner. Spray the sixth and wait for it to dry. Here's a great time-saver for those hard-to-reach places, like the stove top and the shower. A good first step when entering a room is to spray down every available surface. Go from left to right through the adjacent rooms, doing the same procedure in each one before washing the floor clean.

After you have sprayed all of the rooms

This is your salvation. You'll save a tonne of time and save the hassle of washing surfaces to make them seem brand new. The baseboards are important, so remember that. Although dust may quickly accumulate on the baseboard, it's easy to overlook this area of the home because of its seemingly little importance or because cleaning it requires you to go on your hands and knees.

Make sure to vacuum the furniture's upholstery

More than ten million dust mites may call sofas, chairs, and mattresses home. Dust mites thrive on the skin flakes and other debris that are left behind, and their numbers are always on the rise. Yet even if you don't have allergies right now, dust and mites might cause them in the future. In order to avoid having dust mites and germs build up, it is recommended to vacuum your furniture once a week.

Furthermore, a cleaning routine to help you get your life in order

Maintenance is the key to keeping things tidy. This is a wonderful cleaning routine to get you started and save you time and effort. Regular housework includes making the bed and disinfecting the sink and counters. Clear the table. I'm aware of it. Clean up your desk. It may be required to do some laundry. Cleaning duties, sweep and clean the floor once a week. Clean the mattresses and upholstery. Be sure to wash the bed linens regularly.

Towels in the kitchen and bathroom need to be washed

Cleaning and dusting light fixtures should be done once a month. Dishwasher cleaning. Vacuum it out. It's true; you need to clean your cleaner. Get rid of old food. Purge the refrigerator. Do a thorough job of wiping clean the insides and outsides of your kitchen cabinets and drawers. Empty the garbage cans and wipe them down, then clean and dust the various pieces of furniture around the house.


In conclusion, these ten tried-and-true methods can significantly shorten the time it takes to clean your home. By following these expert recommendations, including clearing the clutter, organizing your cleaning supplies, prioritizing the order of cleaning tasks, and maintaining a regular cleaning routine, you can save time and effort in keeping your home clean and tidy. Remember to focus on hard-to-reach areas like baseboards and upholstery, and regularly wash linens, towels, and other items to prevent the buildup of dust and germs. By implementing these time-saving methods, you can efficiently maintain a clean and organized home without feeling overwhelmed by the task of housework.

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