Home Security Tips: How to Protect Your Home from Burglars?


Vihaan Disouza

. 5 min read


Burglars, before breaking in, aim to find out as much information as possible. What sort of doors and windows you have, whether you have a dog, if you have an alarm system, and so forth. If strange inquiries make you uneasy, how would you want to be told that? The question came from an unknown source. You casually brought up the fact that you and your partner are cops, that your dog is insane, and that the security system you just built cost a small fortune. Furthermore, to further deter any potential burglars, you decide to take extra precautions by initiating a video chat. In a confident yet discreet manner, you mention that your mum works as a prison deputy sheriff and that having someone take pictures of your home and vehicle is a red flag that something is amiss.

Methods to Protect Your Home from Burglars

To be More Covert

They may pose as if they're taking a selfie or making a phone call as they take the picture. Don't lose your cool if an unknown photographer asks to take pictures of your home without your permission; instead, calmly explain that you just don't want them to do so. Thieves may also try to get you out of the home by staging an accident. An imposter claiming to be from the utility company might report a gas or water leak.

You sneak out of here for a little while

Unfortunately, it's too late now. In as little as 90 seconds, a skilled thief can steal anything they want. Verify the identification of every stranger who unexpectedly appears. To contact the service provider, just dial their number. If you see a sticker or new paint on your door, be wary. It's possible that these are simply random annoyances, but they might also be an indication that someone wants to single out your home as special. Remove it as quickly as possible.

Both you and burglars may leave identifying marks

You may find out whether you have had any unannounced guests by leaving cookies beneath your welcome mat. They will squish everyone who comes up to see where you are. This is a cheap trick. When the doorbell rings, you open it to find silence. Please think about this before blaming the neighbourhood kids again. Someone could be coming by to see whether you're there. The same applies to mysterious calls when there is no answer.

Ask for identification and verify it with the firm by calling the utility, rental

Anybody can get a uniform now, even if they don't have a video doorbell. Don't judge a book by its cover. A flier or advertisement that was left on your doorstep may not be as harmless as it seems. If it is still there the following day, it may give the impression that no one is home. Obviously, if you discover trash mail beneath your feet, you will toss it. When it comes to collecting junk mail, laziness or forgetfulness are common culprits.

This resident has been absent for some time

Don't let mail pile up while you're gone if you intend to be gone for a while. While you are selling, use caution. The expensive thing, like a car or other vehicle. As soon as you've made a sale, remove any advertisements you've put up. Many would-be thieves would phone and inquire whether you still have anything of value. This individual may still want to break in and find out for themselves even if you've already spent the money.

Also, there are two overgrown shrubs that provide a perfect hiding spot for unwanted guests

Plan ahead and get your grass maintained while you're away. Keep in mind that intruders are less likely to search the kitchen, bathroom, or children's bedrooms in search of valuables. Making a small opening in the bottle's rear allows you to conceal valuables such as jewels or cash from prying eyes. Planters may also serve as excellent covert locations. Then grow plenty of flowers and greenery around the house.

So who would think to look there? Who, after all, would want to verify each one?

Keep in mind that Facebook status updates like "off on holiday," "see you in a week," and "sunrise" and "Bally don't ever want to go" might be seen by potential invaders. We will alert the evil people that they have found an empty house. Don't broadcast your every move and don't brag about your lavish trips, costly new furniture, or pricey presents from well-wishers. Video game system controlled by a computer or other electronic device.

Most would-be thieves would be deterred just by seeing them

Stickers from a security service on the glass doors and windows are also discouraged. It's concerning if you notice your outdoor light bulbs constantly going out, particularly if they're motion actuated. If you have an electrician look at it and find nothing incorrect, it may be someone lurking in the shadows attempting to avoid detection. Keep your inside lights on while you're gone, but turn them down to a reasonable level.

You may also use those timers to automate the on/off states of televisions and stereos

Whether you're sitting in your yard, beneath a rock, or in a potted plant, they aren't the best places to hide a set of extra keys. If you suspect that thieves are thinking the same way, we can examine their plans. Is there a little ball outside your front entrance into which you drop your wallet and keys and then check the time when you return? Unfortunately, many of us do, and thieves are aware of this fact. If they break in, they may take whatever is in the bowl and go. Burglaries seem to be less common in regions where people are "in the know," according to the data.

Both lost and newly arrived residents, as well as those with malicious intentions

Record how frequently and who goes outdoors. Be wary and do your role in the community if you see a stranger who seems to be behaving suspiciously, such as by glancing about while attempting to hide their face. Take a photo so you have proof if you spot an unknown person inspecting all the doors and locks, but be sneaky about it if the person persists in their investigation. If you know someone in your neighborhood, they may stop by sometimes to make sure your home seems occupied while you're gone.

Give your new neighbor or close friend the keys to your residence if you feel comfortable

Then, have them look at your mail for you. For example, if you want someone to do you a favour, you can ask them to water your flowers or shovel snow off their driveway. Document anything of value you own. Create a copy of all the necessary paperwork. Put it in the cloud where it's safest. Theft of important documents might provide a large profit for criminals. Therefore they may be used to steal people's identities.


The article provides tips on how to protect your home from burglars. It highlights that burglars aim to gather as much information as possible about your home and daily routine before breaking in. Therefore, it is important to be cautious of strange inquiries and verify the identification of strangers. The article suggests leaving cookies beneath your welcome mat to find out if you've had any unannounced guests, and also emphasizes the importance of not letting mail pile up while you're away for a long time. Finally, the article notes that keeping an eye on the community and reporting suspicious behavior can help prevent burglaries.

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